Lehren lernen 29.7.07

Sehr geehrte Frau Birkenbihl, Ich lebe in Australien und werde eventuell eine Dozentenstelle annehmen. And since my German gets really bad these days I might keep writing in English instead. I do have knowledge in the field I am going to lecture in (Accounting) and some knowledge how to teach. However, I would like to take the brain-friendly approach. I have a few books and DVDs from you (such as Stroh im Kopf, Sprachen lernen leicht gemacht, Von Null Ahnung zu etwas Komplexitaet a.s.o. ). My challenge is that i would like to organise the relevant parts and get some informations from other teacher/lecturers. Would the Forum be helpful here? What is the birkenbihl-email-akademie and would it be helpful?
========= leider können viele deutsche lehrer kein englisch, zumindest nicht gut genug, um Ihre materialien zu kommentieren. wenn ich in lehrer-seminaren einen englischen text zitiere/empfehle, besteht so gut wie kein interesse. traurig, aber wahr. daher gilt: Sie KÖNNEN via dr.böhm (forumleiter lehrer-forum, bildet auch unsere lehrerInnen aus) fragen, ob er es für sinnvoll hält, Ihre sachen einzustellen. ich habe nichts dagegen, befürchte nur, es könnte extrem wenig RESONANZ bringen, aber vielleicht reizt es einige doch...?
*** Sounds not so promising but I would still like to give it a try. I was surprised how good some people can speak English in Germany and might be lucky in the forum. Could you supply the password please?
======== you will get it from dr. böhm, i shall send him your mail (he is presently in cavation).
#### Thank you.

Also my partner is a lecturer (Chinese language, culture and translation) and she would like to get a better understanding of brain-friendly learning. Would she be able to use the birkenbihl-email-akademie?
======== in fact, she would! she could also be one of our "authors", once she learned who to really de-code properly. we shall publish an e-book (10 euro) in the vfb-e-book drawer any day now. it contains an englisch presentation of my methode. there has been another e-book for a while, with a short explanation of my method and the STUDY of a teacher at a college in new york. she might be interested in these? i would like to communicate directly with her in a little while...
**** I am sure Alanis (her english name) would be interested, where do I find the "older" and "newer" book?
===== in the DRAWER (drawer-element = picture on left of homepage) liabelled: vfb-e-books.
##### Thanks again.

Also, I was about to ask you "How does the birkenbihl-email-akademie actually work?" but then I found it on youtube. By the way the Info button doesn't work.
======= info-button ON YOUTUBE?? what info-button?? i cannot change programming at youTube....
###### I was referring to the Info button on the email-akademie, nothing happens when i click it.
===== well, we are presently changing the crew in the background because too many things are not working as planned. so we shall go into an INTERIMS-solution in about 2 weeks, while we are reprogramming everything, so it may take a while. but things like INFO should be „get-able“ soon again, so please be patient. my shop and the akademie will „move“ into the shop „breuer und wardin verlagskontor“ (by googling my name they always turn up pretty high up) and there, if one asks a question, one gets a quick answer!

Let me know when you want to talk to Alanis directly and I will supply her email address.
====== i do not want to email, i want to talk by telephone. i hate email. when you are sitting in front of the screen 14 hours a day (i am presently workin on three books parallel) you do not want to communicate via screen on tops of it. at least i don't. when reading MY texts i at least know what i have written, reading emails ist extremely difficult because my eyes hate the screen... sorry. i cannot chat, email etc. when infos need to be exchanged seriously... incidentally: many women prefer TALKING to writing, and most men prefer WRITING to talking!
###### OK i do understand where you are coming from now and my thinking was that it might be easier in your (busy) day to use email.
======= sorry. no.

Let me know what time would be suitable for you (probably in the morning at some stage as this is evening here in down under).
====== you tell me what time SHE would prefer please, i am flexible!

Bye the way have you tried voice recognition software?
===== nothing good for macs with a 9-er system as yet.

A friend of mine is writing his PhD thesis and doesn't like typing and looking at the screen all the time.
===== actually i like typing, i hate READING on screen or rather my eyes hate it.

He is using a voice recognition software and believes it is a great invention.
===== he does not use a mac with an OLD system, want to bet?

Kind Regards,
Patrick Mauder